Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Denise is off the ventilator!

Written by Kurt Dickie (Denise's Brother):

Hallelujah!!! Denise is successfully off the ventilator! God is surely good! When I arrived at her bedside this morning Denise was wide awake... looking and responding the best since being admitted. A new Respiratory Therapy nurse seemed to have the same determination to extubate her as I'm sure Denise has. The weaning began and she blew away all the perameters and criteria for extubation. At 10am this morning the tube was removed. 

Occupational Therapy arrived 30 minutes later and soon after Denise was sitting (with considerable assistance) on the side of the bed. She was able to raise and lower her right leg as well as manipulate her right arm much more than previously displayed. She worked on holding her head up and turning her neck... huge at this point. PT guy said it is remarkable and very unexpected.... I responded, "well of course, it's Denise!" 

The critical 2 hrs post extubation has now come and gone and she is currently resting with awesome vital signs. I told her not to worry about talking just yet and to speak when she is ready... she is rather non verbal at this point.

Everyone is very encouraged with her leap of progress... no doubt as a result of the intense prayer, support and encouragement from everyone that knows her and even from folks that don't know her. The glory goes to God... through Him anything is possible! Please keep the prayers coming... together we can see her through this. God Bless you all.

Kurt (brother) and Ron (dad) visiting today after her ventilator was removed.

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